YinTAO Basic Workshop

YinTAO for women on the way

Discover your Sensuality and Sexuality 

YinTao offers simple techniques to transform stress into vitality, expand awareness and set in motion the powerful energies of self-healing and health maintenance.

During this workshop we will dive deep into the energies that make us whole and healthy. You will learn:

  • simple Warm up QiGong and Breathing Exercises
  • hitting your body with the Bamboo Brush to enhance your metabolism
  • the Inner Smile and Breast Massage
  • the Ovarian & Womb Breathing
  • to use, strengthen and relax your pelvic floor 
  • Opening your Energy Centers
  • Circulating Qi in the Heavenly cycle 
  • how tu use the Energy Egg
  • to recycle energy with the Six Healing Sounds 
  • to enjoy and relax

Healing Love for Women


Our breasts are powerful generators of energy through their direct connection with the gland system. Our glands are the regulators of our vitality and Breast Massage is the simple switch that can set the hormones in motion for healing, health and greater vitality. Such an easy gesture of self-love. Daily Breast massage is a gestures that moves the energy to nourish ourselfs, connected with the Inner Smile this becomes a powerful tool in our daily life.


The ovaries play a role in the health and well being of women which goes beyond the reproductive functions they perform. It is in the ovaries that our body performs the empowering of the eggs that potentially can create another human being.

This dynamic process draws vitality from every part of the body, specially the vital organs and the brain. If a woman is not intending to have children in the immediate future or is already beyond her reproductive years or simply entering menopause, it is very important that she learns to recycle the concentrated energy of the ovaries back to the vital organs and nervous system from where it came.

Recycling will prevent the all too common irregularities that accompany menstruation and the hormonal changes with menopause. In the practice of Ovarian Breathing we learn to recycle the most concentrated energy of the ovaries through the energy systems of the body for greater vitality, rejuvenation, emotional stability and greater mental power.

Egg Exercise

The feminine sex organs are open windows into the universe. Depending on their muscular tonicity a woman can feel full of life and vitality or exhausted day after day. If the muscles of the vagina are weak a woman loses her vitality even when she is asleep. Taoist women discovered that vaginal tonicity is a key factor in rapid aging and weight control.
The temperature of the sexual organs is an important factor-regulating metabolism of fats. The colder the genital zone the slower the metabolism.

Taoist women discovered that if a jade egg is inserted in the vagina and a series of simple contractions performed the tonicity of the vagina is developed once again and many feminine health problems eliminated once and for all. The Egg Exercise is a way of increasing circulation through the sexual organs preventing many illnesses that arise as a result of stagnation in the genitals. Harvesting greater sensuality, sensibility, enriching your orgasmic capacity. This exercise is truly one of the greatest gifts from the ancient Taoist women of China.
Check out our inventory of Jade-Eggs!

In a powerful circle of women

we have the opportunity to learn and enjoy the basic techniques of the Healing Tao System. Renu will be emphasizing the simplicity of the techniques along with a lot of practice in the class, so you'll be able to continue the exercises at home.

Please wear comfortable clothes and bring a long, wide skirt or wrap-around (Sarong) to tie around your hips for the Egg-Exercise.

Bring a mat to lie on, a blanket to cover yourself and a small cushion to use under your head. 

We recomend to repeat the Basic Worshop several times and to attend the YinTAO-Retreat at least once, before moving on to the advanced level. It is better, to first establish a solid base and true integration of the practices.

Joining the monthly practice groups that are offered is strongly recomended.
Please contact us, if you want to participate.